I love love the way he teaches...
First of all, he reminds you to listen to your horse..already in warm up...
So simple..but I so often don't pay any attention!
Then use that info and work with it!
For example, he had us walk over a pole, and have us pay attention what feed back your horse gives you...does he maintain his tempo, stay straight, hit the pole...all information that you will have in your "toolbox".
If he tends to go to the left, you are more likely to get a run out on the left...so carry your crop on the left!
If he hits the pole, tap him on the shoulder to let min know that's not ok...and so on..
Needless to say bought his book....
And he's big on using your leg instead of our inside rein...oh oh...I KNOW that...but I don't DO that even though I THINK I do...
But the way he explains it... he got on a horse who was just going with her head in the air and in no time he had her reaching for the bit and bending with is legs!!! Oh my..that was soo impressive!!!!
Then jumping accurately on xc between little dirt piles he put on jumps, and jumping at angles
I will definitely go again!!!