Dressage was on the grass, and we had a mediocre score...
Then I did my course walk with Jessica Heideman, a god send if not for her invaluable information as to where to go!
The course was very challenging! At all levels! First time I have seen a trackhener even for Beginner Novice!
I decided not to ask if we could jump stadium and give him the day off, because on Monday I had a clinic here with Nick Holmes-Smith for 2 hours, meaning we need to be fit to get the most out of it, and at this point riding with Nick is more productive!
Watching stadium was event full, again the course was though! Even at BN level rails were flying!
It drizzled or rained Friday and Saturday, but Sunday got nicer and Monday was hot!
Riding with Nick was as usual terrific...we started out jumping Novice jumps, and Paktaly got his nerves back and we jumped all the training jumps and other exercises and I had my steady mount back!
After icing his legs I drove down to S Eugene to visit Pat who bought Ulduze, Pallas Athena and her foal Ehi