The frustration came from this: Yesterday a "breeder" told me she bred a foal ..and she had forgotten the pedigree! It was closely inbred 3X!!! She forgot!!!! A breeder....The breeders reply was this...I thought I ONLY inbred twice..I find that acceptable! I did not realize I did it 3 times.
Inbreeding 2x is acceptable/ what school did she go to I ask...
When looking at pedigrees in the Akhal-Teke horse, there is more than the obvious yellow stripe showing related animals...
Quite a few years ago, I got a desperate call...I have 7 pure bred Akhal-Teke horses. Can I please send them to you to have them for sale.
I took them in, and here is one of the horses in question, meet Marale, a very sweet 2 year old mare at the time this picture was taken, beautiful face, perfect black color...oh my..where did she get those legs!
Someone passed these on, and somewhere a "weak link" was created not much unlike NFS...
Obviously she suffered from Degenerative Suspensory Ligament Desmitis (DSLD) at the ripe age of 2.
( there is a study going on to find the gene that causes this)
I could not help myself to wonder, how in her pedigree did she possibly develop this? Yes...possibly, because we never know what genes are passed on or not.
Here is her pedigree:
On a whole other case, far beyond my capabilities...NFS can affect a horse more than just being hairless, just no research has been done. Note she has Angar, the producer of NFS in her sire line and dam line.
Let's look at her sire's pedigree Pan:
Kir Sakar, 4x
Skak, 4 x
Toporbay, 1x
Everdi Teleke, 1x
Saphar Khan, 2 x
Karlavach 1x
All these 6 sires came from the sire line Boinou.
Gecheli, 1x From the sire line Gecheli
Gelishikli, 1x from the sire line Sultan Guli
Now we look at her dam's pedigree Gemella:
This time the inbreeding is to the stallion Kambar, who is Karlavach line, also descendant from Boinou!
Her sire lines in the 5th generation are these:
El, 1x
Skak, 2x
Arab, 1x
Karlavach, 2x
Kir Sakar, 6 times
Peren, 1x
Everdi Teleke, 1x
Toporbai, 1 x
All these horses sire lines came from Boinou
Ak Belek, 1x
Sire line Chopar Kel
In conclusion we have the stallion Pan with out of 16 possible 5th generation parents :
13 tracing back to Boinou
2 tracing back to Sultan Guli
1 tracing back to Gecheli
Gemella with out of 16 possible 5th generation parents :
15 tracing to Boinou
1 tracing to Gecheli
Moral of the story is this:
There is more lurking in a pedigree than the obvious inbreeding.
Breeding your horses in a rare breed takes more education!
Can defects be avoided?
Science has proven in remote areas small groups of animals have flourished.
How do I keep my horses in this small gene pool healthy?
By outbreeding! Use the different sire and dam lines and mix the pedigrees up to save GENETIC DIVERSITY!