We have been wanting to do this for years...but it means trailering the horses to the beach, getting everyone tacked up, it is quite a production.
And it was well worth the effort!!!
South Beach looks a lot like Turkmenistan.
Some of our riding students came at 2 in the afternoon, and Kegas and Pan Tau got a bath, Penta and Pasabi did not need one. Then everyone got fitted for their clothes, hair got braided, I did some last minute repairs on the antique tack...loaded everything up, packed drinks and food because we were supposed to start shooting at 7pm...
he is such a good boy at the age of 17! He still looks like a young horse!
It was so much fun!!!! And everyone looked so good!!!
Too bad I forgot to bring reins for 3 of the bridles!!! I made reins for Pan Tau out of his lead rope, for Penta I made them out of 2 alaja's, Pasabi sadly stayed in his halter, I simply ran out of resources...
Guess we'll have to do it again sometime soon!
We got home at 10.30 pm! Another long summer day...